Blending of E3 Vocational Tailoring and Happy Hearts Kids Charities Doubles the Impact
You don’t need money to help people in need.
Remedia’s E3 Job Growth charity currently runs a tailoring program that trains women in India with employable job skills to help lift them out of poverty.
And Happy Hearts, another Remedia charity, gives kids who can’t afford it the chance to go to school, eat healthy food, and grow up with a better chance to escape the cycle of poverty.
When the tailoring women learned that the Happy Hearts kids needed more clothes, they asked people across the city to donate scraps of fabric and old clothes.
So much came in, they were able to create over 300 coats for the kids!
In addition to helping the kids, they got to practice their tailoring skills, and it was such a success they’re now working on over 600 sets of clothes for the kids for Christmas.
It’s a terrific example of one of the core values of Remedia – that you don’t need to have lots of money to help others in need. These women themselves are poor. That’s why their taking the tailoring course. But they saw a need and they found a way to help by using their skills and the resources at hand.
So, here’s a music video showing some Happy Hearts girls getting new clothes and then heading off to school. The music is Dolly Parton’s song My Coat of Many Colours, sang here by Australian country-western singer Mel Manuel.
When Program Director Jillian Haslam was a little girl in India living in the same kind of extreme poverty as the Happy Hearts kids, her mom once made a ‘coat of many colours’ for her and her sister. She had asked her daughters to collect fabric scraps from tailors around the city, and she used what people gave to create coats for them. Jillian and her sister Vanessa treasured their new coats, as these kids do here. That was the inspiration for this video, which is a re-enactment of Jillian’s childhood experience, starring kids living in similar conditions to the ones she grew up in.
Find out more about E3 Job Growth and the amazing job skills and empowerment you can provide for women and young adults
Find out more about Happy Hearts, and how you can give poor kids in India a chance at a better life with food, basic health care, and education they couldn’t otherwise afford.