Mother Teresa Award Project
While governmental aid remains absent and other organizations struggle to provide support, your involvement can make a significant impact.
The overlooked women of India's slums endure lives steeped in hopelessness and destitution. They grapple with daily hardships, live in fear, and endure unsanitary conditions. Stricken by hunger, each day presents a relentless struggle to survive.
Adding to their challenges, many are mothers whose children depend on Remedia's Happy Hearts program for sustenance, education, and medical care.
You have the power to extend care to these impoverished women in India. Your support sends a message: someone out there genuinely cares about their well-being. Someone believes in reigniting their

smiles and nurturing the belief that a brighter future lies ahead.
Specifically, your contributions can offer the following to each woman who enters the Happy Hearts Women's Centre:
Impart employable skills, such as stitching, fabric dyeing, and needlework
Provide a weekly meal
Offer coaching and guidance to confront and conquer personal hurdles
Revive their hope in the possibility of an improved life
The Mother Teresa Project, spearheaded by Jillian Haslam, Remedia's Program Director, is dedicated to realizing the noble mission of the revered saint—to uplift and care for the most vulnerable in society. In recognition of your support through Remedia, Jillian was honoured with the Mother Teresa International Memorial Award in September 2017. Through the Mother Teresa Project, we strive to continue the legacy of compassion for the poorest of the poor.

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