How to Get Over Your Fears, make a Lasting Impression and Woo the Minds of Your Interviewers with tips & techniques on How To Ace A Job Interview
Interviews have to be the most intense moments in anyone’s life. Especially if you’re just starting or are seeking to land your dream position in a big organization, right?
You get your facts right. You know what you’re supposed to say. After all, you’ve been practicing before the mirror and your best friend.
Only if things could go as planned because once you’re before the panel, it’s nothing but what you thought could happen…..
Deep down you know you’re the right person for the job but you can’t seem to convince anyone that you are?
If you’re like most people, failing until you get it right is your best option.
The problem is that you not only miss out on amazing opportunities but you also risk repeating the same mistakes limiting your chances of advancing your career in future.
What if you had another option?
Where you get step by step guidance from someone who has been where you are, learned how to manuevor the hurdles to land bigger jobs and even become a recruiter?
This course will truly equip you to Ace Any Job Interview. Here are a few examples:
Secrets that highly paid professionals use to stand out from the crowd
Explanations regarding job changes and gaps of employment
Developing a mindset that will help to overcome the spiral of unemployment.
A strategic plan on nailing down an interview process
Top notch interviewing techniques
Tips on how to deal with anxiety, stress or fear

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Please see testimonials on the right from previous attendees who have attended this webinar
When it comes to students, “graduating right now is a particular form of bad luck, but those who finished school and joined the workforce in recent years aren’t lucky either. Young people, as a group, seem to be taking a harder hit economically than those in older generations.”
By the end of the current academic year, schools will have conferred an estimated 3.7 million high-school diplomasand 2 million bachelor’s degrees.
This is truly thought provoking on many levels. The sheer numbers of students who will enter the job market is worrying but to know of the number of organisations that are shutting down or down-sizing is equally worrying.
India will have 34.6 mln. individuals in higher education.
The UK have approximately 2.38 mln. students in higher education and
Many of those students will soon pursue other degrees, but many others will enter a historically competitive labour market and will need to compete with the most experienced - one that is especially brutal for young workers or those who show or demonstrate weakness of any kind. Experts say that the unfortunate timing could set many of them back financially and professionally for years.
There is a crisis of underemployment and withering ambition. Too many individuals just aren’t going to make it unless something different is done. The problem isn’t that education isn’t important. The problem is – too many people don’t know how to navigate the world to make their goals and dreams become reality even in the harshest of circumstances. They are not taught to use their skills to their full advantage. Too many lack the confidence to try new ideas and take risks.
At a time like this, a resume might get you through the door, but it will come down to survival of the fittest, top notch interviewing skills, the ability to deal with stress & anxiety and qualities that set you apart from the rest (including digital skills) are the name of the game.
Jillian is living proof that while education or talent can get you through the door, it’s not enough to keep you there. She had no wealthy benefactors, no experience, no money, and not even a great education. Infact, she came from one of the most poverty-stricken areas on the planet.
Having been persistent enough to have worked for three multinational banks over 23 years and having worked for the graduate recruitment department as well for quite some time, she has put together a course that will cover almost every aspect of the interviewing process:
Master the Top 20 (advanced) questions to prepare for any interview.
How to prepare for phone, in-person, panel or video interviews
The art of selling yourself
Develop a mind-set that is unwilling to relent
A strategic plan on nailing down an interview process
Get a cheat sheet on how to prepare for an interview in just 20 minutes (if you need to)

Hi Jillian, I attended the webinar on How to Ace a job interview. Thank you for answering all my questions. I did as you
said and I got the job I was preparing for.
Thank you very much
- Micah Mutia
It is indeed rare to come across a talent like Jillian! Yesterday’s webinar, “How to Ace a Job Interview” was on point! Her suggestions, techniques were practical and fairly straightforward and with a “wealth of experiences and insights” that can help you in the right direction. She’s very inspiring and such an authentic soul! And for someone who is feeling stuck, confused and unsure of their next steps right now, I hope her insights will help you feel motivated again, like me
- Ronadhel Aponte
I am a graduate student who attended one of your webinars on "How to ace your interview". The webinar was very insightful and informative. I discovered new topics and things that I was ignorant of before. Thank you so much for an enlightening webinar. I would love to connect with you and learn from you further.
- Shenaha.S
Thank you for connecting! I just attended your live feed of "How to Ace Your Interview" and was beyond inspired by
your personal experiences. Thank you for your valuable time and interview advice. I look forward to reading your work and following your career journey
- Diana Sims
I am still in senior high school
and I watched your webinar about how to ace your interviews. It really answered my questions about job interviews. I hope I can learn more because I find your talks very inspiring
- Danelline Sario
Hello! Jillian, I enjoyed your free webinar on How to Ace Your Interview with Dean. Thank you for the tips and reminders you've shared with us. Please continue to do more. Hope we can connect, Thank you again for this opportunity.
Love from Philippines.
I attended Jillian's "How to Ace Your Interview” lecture. If I were to describe Jillian's webinar in three concepts, this will be: Informative, Big Picture, and Practical. As a
recent graduate, I've learned so much about the in's and out's of the application processes which I never thought I needed. How to tailor your resumes? How to prepare for job interviews? —these are the questions that every job seekers have in their mind, and
Jillian will help you answer these in an informative, big-pictured, and practical way. I want to express my thanks to you for your valuable contribution to my budding career, and would very much like to follow your work and connect with you
- Gabriel Jose Sabulao
As a working professional within the Higher Education Sector, I am always drawn to learning different perspectives on the ever -changing world of work. I attended the “How to Ace Your Interview” webinar presented by Jillian. She provided relatable content that was easy to follow and understand. The key takeaway was the emphasis on working towards building that unconscious rapport or connection with your interviewer and to really practice the art of listening. Her presentation caters to students, young graduates and the working professional. This was truly an informative session aligned to one being mindful in the engagement with future employers from the onset of drafting that resume with which to market yourself. I was glued to her words from start to finish – what a great speaker, who exhumed great energy!
- Feroza Nooroodien
Skills are one thing but what Jillian had was the right attitude and resilience of a very different kind and she wants to instil these skills & techniques in as many minds as she possibly can. She wants to empower them with a tangible confidence and an actionable plan for what they’ll do with their lives post-covid,
post-hardship, post-redundancy, post-trauma, or even post-poverty.
She’s been featured quite a bit in the media https://jillianhaslam.com/press/ and has won several awards from The Telegraph, The Independent, The Times, Channel V among others.
Her story of persistence and determination to overcome cultural differences and move beyond her own boundaries has left people in awe and inspired to get ahead. Please read some of the most amazing testimonials here or go to Jillian’s LinkedIn profile and read them there too
Here are two article that will make you think and act whether you are a young person, whether its 2020 or 2023 or whether we now have a new problem to contend with (A.I.)
The Misfortune of Graduating in 2020
Jillian would like to leave you with this quote
“The forces of fate that bear down on man and threaten to break him also have the capacity to ennoble him – Vitor Frankl”