About Happy Hearts
One fourth of all global child deaths happen in India. That means many more live on the edge of it, barely surviving. Some have to search garbage piles to find food. Some live on streets next to sewage drains. For the poorest and most downtrodden, life continues to be very hard for so many.
Why does this way of life persist for so many kids? There are several reasons. Here are the top 6.
Caste and social divides
It’s hard to comprehend, but there is a way of thinking in this part of the world that devalues a person simply by where they were born. Some people believe children from low castes are truly worth less than other kids. That it’s in their nature. This belief makes it okay to mistreat, neglect, and abuse. It makes it easy not to care. It makes it hard to motivate and inspire change across the culture.
Lack of opportunity
So many people have few job options other than pulling rickshaws, sweeping, housekeeping, laying bricks – jobs with low wages and high physical demands. Many poor people with kids in India work their fingers to the bone and their bodies to exhaustion, but they just can’t make enough to give their kids a future. And their kids are destined for the same life as them – at best.
India’s kids face many diseases for which treatments exist, but that are unaffordable or unattainable to the lower classes. These diseases, like tuberculosis and thalassemia, rob kids of their chance at a better future.
Social complacency
There is a strong social bent toward simply accepting the status quo. This is the way things are. It’s a pervasive attitude that resists change for no practical reason, and because all the solutions seem too hard.
There are reams of studies documenting the long term damage from childhood hunger and malnutrition. Slower intellectual growth. Inadequate physical development. Weaker immune systems. The lack of good quality food for keeps India’s kids from becoming who they were meant to be.
Poor sanitation
India’s slums are breeding grounds for water borne diseases like cholera and diarrhea. Also, the high heats and dense crowds of people make it too easy for diseases to spread through the air. The best health care in the world doesn’t help if people live in conditions that breed contagious diseases.
India’s Kids exists because so many children live on the streets in filth, with little food, poor education, trauma, untreated but treatable diseases, and no hope for the future.
Your support of India’s Kids touches every area of their lives where something basic is missing. We work with kids whose parents love them but don’t make enough to meet their needs. And we work with kids whose parents have given up on them and are lost in alcohol, crime, or worse. It doesn’t matter. The kids aren’t to blame. And they deserve a chance at a better life.
Here are the four ways India’s Kids uses your gifts and donations :
Basic Needs
Your gifts provide food and clothing to fight malnutrition and help prevent disease. A hungry kid makes a struggling student. It’s hard to learn when your belly is growling.
Education and Personal Development
Teachers in regular schools have been known to completely ignore slum kids from low castes. This is what that attitude of “things never change” combined with caste-based social divides has produced.
We offer after-school and all-day school programs that teach regular coursework and provide extra tutoring and school support. We give them the books and school supplies they can’t afford to buy but can’t learn without. We also teach personal enrichment and empowerment principles to help kids see themselves in a different light and develop the virtues that will make it more likely they can succeed in their teen years and beyond.
The kids you support all learn together, regardless and caste or family history. And they have a chance to keep up with the other kids if they also go to a regular school.
Disease Treatment
You can help kids who suffer from life-crippling diseases that require ongoing treatment. We focus on kids who suffer from thalassemia and AIDS. Both these diseases can be fought and managed, but it costs money none of these kids’ families have.
For instance, the cost of a single blood transfusion for a kid with thalassemia is 2500 rupees, or about 30 British pounds. A typical thalassemia child will need about 20 of these every year.
The amazing thing is, kids who get treatment for thalassemia can live relatively normal lives. It’s not curable, but it’s completely treatable. Learn more about thalassemia.
Health Care
For other kids who get diarrhea, the flu, and other contagious diseases, your support provides health care services, checkups, and hospital visits.
By keeping kids healthy, fed, cared for, and protected, you can counteract all six of the forces working against these kids from the slums. Your support creates a new community kids can be part of so they can learn and grow as all kids should.
Our teachers tell us that many kids approach the education centre with big smiles and “zeal in their hearts.” They love coming here, because they get to belong to something.
Become a supporter of India’s Kids, and in one generation we can slash the effects of poverty in hundreds of families.
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